

The Case

The Case

Leib Goldstein is a 65 year old widowed man with Alzheimer’s type dementia that first manifested ten years ago. Now in the later stages of the disease, he cannot interact meaningfully with his environment, and his doctors say there is no hope of improvement. Leib’s only child Shayna is 30 and has been his primary caregiver throughout his illness. This is a fulltime commitment and, as his condition worsened, has prevented her from developing her career as a journalist. Leib suggested early on that she put him in a nursing home, but she refused. On the other hand, Leib was never willing to discuss how she should handle medical issues once he was fully incompetent, saying that he trusted her judgement. >Read the full description
The dilemma

The dilemma

According to Jewish law, which of these three options is she allowed to approve? 2. According to Jewish law, is there one that she must approve? 3. Shayna is aware that if multiple options are permissible, the decision must ultimately be hers. However, because she is worried that her own interests and preferences are involved here, she asks the Beit Din for the clearest guidance it can give as to how she should choose among permitted options. What guidance would you give to Shayna?


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